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Forest City Borough

Forest City   Borough
Forest City Borough
Forest City Borough
Office Phone:
(570) 785-3326
(570) 785-9595
535 Main Street, Forest City, PA 18421

Mayor: Christopher Glinton

Council Members:
Christopher DeGonzague President
Nicholass H. Cost, Vice President
Bernard F. Scalzo, Pro-Tem
Robert L. Lesjack,
Tammy Lazier
Amy Bean
Sarah Woody

Day: 1st Monday of the month
Time: 6:00 p.m.
Place: 535 Main Street, Forest City, PA 18421

Tax Collector: Pamela Green

Secretary: Dennise Yankauskas

Emergency Management/Disaster Contact:
Paul Mihelc
Paul Lukus

Trees Down, Roads, Cinders etc.:
Walter Miller
Kyle Keiper

Garbage Billing, Zoning, Sewage Enforcement: Cindy Stone

Code Enforcement: TBD

Building/Occ. Permits: NEIC

Solicitor: Marissa McAndrew

Driveway Permit Required: Yes
Building Permit: Yes
Zoning: Yes - Cindy Stone
Planning Ordinance: Yes
Comprehensive Plan: Yes
Flood Plain Management Ordinance: Yes
Hazard Mitigation Plan: Yes
COG Member: No
COG Sewage Committee: No   

Updated 03/08/1963