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Historical Records

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Historical Records
County Courthouse
31 Lake Avenue (PO Box 218)
Montrose, PA 18801

Telephone: (570) 278-4600 Ext. 4021 

1909 Time Capsule

On September 5, 2024 during the early stages of construction on new front stairs to the Courthouse, workers unearthed a time capsule. The glass container was buried June 26, 1909, during the last repair work done to the Courthouse steps.

Interred by county officials, the time capsule laid undisturbed for 115 years and remained in good condition. The contents include a letter by William Foster, a letter by Selden Munger, two ballots from the June 5, 1909 primary election, and copies of the Evening Transcript, Independent Republican, Montrose Democrat, Nicholson Record, and Susquehanna Ledger.

County officials at the time included:

President Judge, Ralph B. Little 
County Commissioners, W. H. Tingley, Andrew. J. Cosgriff,  and James E. Hawley
Sheriff, Harrison S. Conklin 
District Attorney, Harland A. Denney 
Register and Recorder, Milton E. Birchard 
Prothonotary Wm. A. Titsworth 
Treasurer, William G. Morgan 
Coroner, Dr. A. E. Merrell 
Janitor of the Court House, E. G. Foot

The July 2, 1909 edition of the Independent Republican reported the following on the event.


Commissioners' Clerk Foster and Attorney Selden Munger Place Sealed Jar with Papers and Information Concerning Local Officials in Steps of Court House. Ages Hence What Excitement They Will Create.

Saturday morning Commissioners' Clerk W. H. Foster and Attorney Selden Munger did a little dedicatory stunt on the steps of the hall of justice while awestricken passersby stopped with bared and bowed heads, assisted in the last sad rites.

They had a glass jar (the kind like mother used to keep jam in) and in this jar they placed—not jam—oh, no! but copies of the Montrose Republican and Democrat, Susquehanna Ledger and the Nicholson Record, together with a typewritten sheet on which was inscribed the names of the county officials. This airtight jar was encased in concrete at the base of the steps, now being re-laid, in the belief that future races that then people the earth will discover these rolls of papyrus and it will bring up memories of us ancients and greatly edify the scientists of that time.

Tears stood on the bronzed cheeks of those who witnessed the solemn event as they thought how this day would go rolling down the aeons of time and thunder to those who are to come the giants we have in these days.

The contents have been scanned and are available for review.

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