Apolacon Township
Apolacon Township
Apolacon Township
Office Phone:
(570) 623-2115
PO Box 432, Little Meadows, PA 18830
Gerald Legg
Martin Murphy
James Homan
Day: 1st Monday of the month
Time: 7:00 p.m.
Place: Township Building, 390 Bowbridge Road, Little Meadows, PA 18830
Tax Collector: Roger C Morrison
Email: apolacon.taxcollector@gmail.com
Phone: 570-623-2575
Secretary/Treasurer: Tina Murphy
Emergency Management: Scott White
Disaster/Emergency Contact: Martin Murphy
Trees Down, Roads, Cinders etc.: Martin Murphy
Sewage Enforcement: John Watts
Code Enforcement: Josh Hale
Solicitor: Michael Giangrieco
Driveway Permit Required: Yes
Building Permit: Yes
Zoning: No
Comprehensive Plan: Yes
Flood Plain Management Ordinance: Yes
Hazard Mitigation Plan: Yes
COG Member: No
COG Sewage Committee: No
Updated: 8 FEB 2024
Gerald Legg
Martin Murphy
James Homan
Day: 1st Monday of the month
Time: 7:00 p.m.
Place: Township Building, 390 Bowbridge Road, Little Meadows, PA 18830
Tax Collector: Roger C Morrison
Email: apolacon.taxcollector@gmail.com
Phone: 570-623-2575
Secretary/Treasurer: Tina Murphy
Emergency Management: Scott White
Disaster/Emergency Contact: Martin Murphy
Trees Down, Roads, Cinders etc.: Martin Murphy
Sewage Enforcement: John Watts
Code Enforcement: Josh Hale
Solicitor: Michael Giangrieco
Driveway Permit Required: Yes
Building Permit: Yes
Zoning: No
Comprehensive Plan: Yes
Flood Plain Management Ordinance: Yes
Hazard Mitigation Plan: Yes
COG Member: No
COG Sewage Committee: No
Updated: 8 FEB 2024