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Thompson Borough

Thompson  Borough
Thompson Borough
Thompson Borough
Office Phone:
(570) 727-4075
PO Box 89, Thompson, PA 18465

Mayor: Jeff Sheldon

Council Members:
Joni Kaiser, President
Diane Sheldon
Richard Wagner
Robin Barker
Bernard Kolenda

Day: 1st Monday of the Month 
Time: 7:00 p.m.
Place: Thompson Hose Company Building, 53 Water Street Street, Thompson, PA 18465

Tax Collector: Rhonda Baldwin

Secretary: Cathy Megivern

Emergency Management: Kim Wallace

Disaster/Emergency Contact: Kim Wallace

Trees Down, Roads, Cinders etc.: Bernie Kolenda

Sewage Enforcement: Pocono Waterworks 
Septic Enforcement: Theresa White

Code Enforcement: NEIC (570) 280-2111

Solicitor: Briechle Law Offices, P.C.

Driveway Permit Required: Yes
Building Permit: Yes
Zoning: No
Planning Ordinance: No
Comprehensive Plan: No
Flood Plain Management Ordinance: No
Hazard Mitigation Plan: Yes
COG Member: No
COG Sewage Committee: No

Updated: February 8th, 2024